Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Using blogs

The question was posed as to how educators and administrators could use blogs.  I think that communication is always good and sometimes when I feel that I am the Lone Ranger, this medium can provide connections to others experiencing similar situations.  I can use them to find fresh perspectives or at least different perspectives and maybe some solutions that have worked for others that might be viable for my situation.  Maybe something I think of or have tried can benefit someone else and perhaps we all don't have to reinvent the wheel all the time.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Laurie! I agree that connecting with other administrators would be one great use of blogs. Now that I'm learning how to do this I can see the same would be true for teachers. I look forward to learning more and more about this (like how to write on my own blog:). I think this is one of my favorite things that we have done so far in the program.
